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String Art Course - Free (Multiply)

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Try your hand at creating visually stunning designs using coloured strings.

Little Art Hub, Galashiels

This course is FREE and fully funded

Bring some brightness to your winter months! Get creative in a friendly space. Try your hand at creating visually stunning designs using coloured strings. Learn simple patterns and shapes then build and layer them to create amazing effects! Some simple geometry and calculations will be a part of the creative process.. Making the maths bit colourful, fun and practical! This course is part of the 'Multiply' programme. It aims to give you alternative ways to gain confidence with maths, while enjoying getting creative. Maybe this could help you with work, kids schoolwork, everyday tasks, or inspire you to learn more? This course is aimed at anyone age 19+ (or 16+ if not in work or education) without Nat 5 or above (standard grade/o level). However if you feel you would benefit from this course and you do have a qualification please get in touch it might still be for you! Using cardboard and wooden forms we will start off experimenting with patterns and shapes then build and layer them, and work bigger, to create amazing artistic effects! Some simple geometry and calculations will be a part of the creative process. We aim to make the maths bit colourful and fun, so you learn through the practical making process. For many seeing things visually can help with understanding them, It wont be like school we will figure out the maths together and create fantastic art ! By the end of the course you will have some pieces to take home and display with pride or give as a gift, and we will make something collaborative for the window of the Little Art Hub. All materials provided. This will be an accessible course for those of all levels of ability and experience, carers welcome let us know ideally.  Please fill in the form here to register your interest we will get back to you with how to fully apply via the SBC Multiply programme. 5 WEEK COURSE TUESDAYS 28th January - 25th February Venue: LITTLE ART HUB, 17 Channel Street, Galashiels. This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local businesses, and people and skills. For more information visit

Cancellation Policy

Please let us know as soon as possible if for any reason you cannot or no longer wish to attend. As places are limited, we would love for someone else to have the opportunity to take part, We may have a waiting list. Many thanks.

Contact Details

  • 07533360861

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